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Donate today to lobby for the Australian Womens Law

It all begins with an idea. For females to be granted the dignity self respect, honour and protection we are owed in Governmental law please support “Katie’s law” with your kind donations today.,

Katie was murdered by her father in a heinous manner when she was nearly 9 years old. He went on to become an intercessor(murderer) for two gangs after the Government spent an average of $1.3 million to keep him incarcerated.

Victims of heinous crime are predominantly female. To ensure the gender and fiscal discrimination perpetrated in law and consistently upheld by the Civil libertarians in favour of the criminals, ends, we need to lobby for every victim of crime and secondary victim of crime and our communities to be compensated $1.3 million each to rehabilitate ourselves and ensure the trend of female elders on the streets ends.. The fiscal payment to the victims, secondary victims and our communities must be paid prior to any expenditure on the criminals. The criminals must work in prison to contribute to the fiscal needs and compensation of their victims and our communities until well..

The millennia have proven time after time that the debasing of our value as females won’t end unless we establish our own law for females and ensure it is governed by biological females

The politically expedient and insulting trend towards mothers and females of modern fashionable genders and expenditure on gay parades and the rape of innocence of our children and communities within our Democracy, must end

Research needs to be carried out in ethical ways to show the pandemic of gender bending of the past centuries in unfair leadership, and unfair winning at every age of life, in our school and university systems, on building sites and within families and religious groups to dominate, control and make less of good capable people in most cases, ends

In 2019 the current pope said “healthy masturbation is not a sin”. This needs to be written into law everywhere to protect females and children within the Democracy of Australia

Katie’s law is yet to be inserted on page 4 to allow her dignity following the atrocities committed upon her body in life and in death.

A law for females governed by females is owed to every biological female. Children and females have suffered heinous rape and murder, both legal and illegal for thousands of years. Enough is enough of the politicization of the lives of children, mothers and females. If equality was going to be given it would have occurred centuries ago. Demand our own law today. How insulting of men to deam they rule females when most don’t even understand our biological differences and even allow them in law. They only allow it for gay, bi. transgender and try anything gender people. Enough is enough.

Each time we meet the male benchmark they raise the bar higher without acknowledging our ability and achievements. We now mother, work, care for our elders while they work and play golf or rugby! Time we had time to care for ourselves!! The sad truth is in politics, law and our communities many groups of men think its funny to play upon our good hearts and incessently push buttons because they know we are more emotional. Many male immigrants who come from current war torn areas think the same way. Beware of intermarriage

This has been my personal experience with the Maori culture and the muslim culture. There are many beautiful things to focus on when in ones own company or in the company of kind women. There are kind gentle men also. Teased by groups of men for being so. It’s bullying and a sign of great weakness. True strength is very gentle and very kind. Be very gentle, be very kind. Be very fair